Thursday, December 21, 2006

At Princess Diana's Centre

DID you know that the human brain is designed to “plan a move from scratch each and every time”?

It seems that we are not lab rats. And it is by thinking anew and not by routine that we kick a football, swing a golf club or write the Daily Mail, the paper in which this story appears.

As the paper says: “This means that, unlike a computer, people cannot just automatically repeat what has gone before.”

For instance, could a computer create the Mail? No, it could not. Each story of imminent doom and horror is addressed on its individual merits.

And so it is that the Express is designed each day from fresh. It is down not to planning that Princess Diana features so prominently, it is down to the truth that she is big news.
And here is Diana taking to people at a Centrepoint hostel in London. Diana is blonde and fair of skin. Her audience is continued

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