Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oliver's pillow was smoothed by gentle hands that night; and loveliness and virtue watched him as he slept - Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

THE week’s news focused on the Dickensian story of the Jew, the orphan and the flight to London Town.

On Monday, Davie Twist’s future was far from certain. Charities and institutions protested at Davie Twist’s removal from Africa. Protests were made.

And in London, Madonna seemed to have hatched a classic plot.

As the Sun reported, Madonna had spent £5,000 on a rocking horse for her would-be new boy. A worker at Harrods, the Knightsbridge store where the horse was sired, told the paper: “The rocking horses are hand made and top spec. They are beautiful, traditional toys.”
The paper produced a picture of what a rocking horse might look like. There was a tail, a mane and ... more on Anorak

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