Friday, October 20, 2006

The McCartney Witch Hunt

“MACCA: NOW IT’S GETTING REALLY DIRTY,” announces the Mail’s front page.

And we applaud the Mail’s brave decision to publish more shots from Die Freuden der Liebe (The Lover’s Guide), Lady Heather Mills McCartney’s seminal work with body oil and a curly-haired German male.

But the lead picture of Heather sat in a chair, an inch or so of cleavage on display, is all we get. It’s a shot taken from Heather’s appearance on BBC TV’s City Hospital, a daytime show in which people circling the plughole of life can see nurses dressing bed sores.

And yesterday the viewers saw Heather, who, as the Mail tells us, was “discussing, among other things, pain management”. And Heather knows pain. As the Mail reported yesterday, and the Sun reiterates today (in a front-page “EXCLUSIVE”), Heather claims Paul stabbed her, took drugs and told her that her breasts were his.

The paper produces a picture of Heather and circles a “wound” on her arm, the injury thought to have been caused by the alleged stabbing with a broken ...more

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